1260 Infinity II Variable Wavelength Detector (CAT#: AM-LE-0536-Y)


• Data acquisition rate up to 120 Hz, greatly improving the resolution of fast liquid chromatography
• With dual-wavelength function, each run can provide more analyte information
• Reliable quantitative analysis of trace components: lowest baseline noise and drift, lowest detection limit

Cat Number: AM-LE-0536-Y

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1260 Infinity II Variable Wavelength Detector is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. The 1260 Infinity II Variable Wavelength Detector enables fast analysis at data acquisition rates of up to 120 Hz to achieve the highest analysis efficiency. More sample information can be collected in dual wavelength mode.


• Data acquisition rate up to 120 Hz, greatly improving the resolution of fast liquid chromatography
• With dual-wavelength function, each run can provide more analyte information
• Reliable quantitative analysis of trace components: lowest baseline noise and drift, lowest detection limit
• Use built-in holmium oxide filter to provide automated wavelength verification
• Fast wavelength optimization using stop-stream wavelength scanning
• Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology used in flow cells and lamps can improve data traceability to a whole new level
• Wide linear range (upper limit> 25 AU) for reliable simultaneous quantitative analysis of major compounds, by-products and impurities
• Efficient temperature control: The new generation of electronic temperature control (ETC) provides maximum baseline stability and actual sensitivity
• Eight analytical and preparative flow cells provide the highest flexibility and compatibility