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1260 Infinity Nanoflow LC (CAT#: AM-LE-0180-Y)


• Automatic sample cleaning, enrichment, and 2D HPLC using traditional nanocolumns
• Flow path design to maximize and maintain separation efficiency On-off valves, fittings, connectors and PEEK coated fused silica tubes have been carefully selected to minimize dead volume
• Nano flow pump adopts mature electronic flow control (EFC) with active feedback function and has unprecedented stability when the flow rate is from 100 nL/min to 1 µL/min

Cat Number: AM-LE-0180-Y

Application: Nanoflow LC is widely used in high-resolution separation and high-sensitivity MS detection.

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The 1260 Infinity Nanoflow LC is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. The system uses Agilent's unique Electronic Flow Control (EFC) with active feedback and real-time flow adjustment. The Agilent 1260 Infinity Nanoflow LC is easy to use and provides accurate flow and gradient performance , to achieve the retention time reproducibility and stable ion generation required for high-sensitivity nanoflow LC/MS performance.


• Automatic sample cleaning, enrichment, and 2D HPLC using traditional nanocolumns
• Flow path design to maximize and maintain separation efficiency On-off valves, fittings, connectors and PEEK coated fused silica tubes have been carefully selected to minimize dead volume
• Nano flow pump adopts mature electronic flow control (EFC) with active feedback function and has unprecedented stability when the flow rate is from 100 nL/min to 1 µL/min
• Electronic flow controller with active feedback and real-time flow control can provide constant nano-flow without being affected by system back pressure to ensure repeatability of the final retention time and stable nano-spray operation
• By simply adding another column (such as an ion exchange column), the system can be converted to two-dimensional HPLC operation
• The design takes advantage of the innovative, fully integrated HPLC-Chip/MS system to achieve the ultimate easy-to-use nanospray LC/MS
• One LC, two modes: full gradient capability is also available, up to 25 mL/min in normal mode, with wide flexibility
• For third-party MS platforms, the Agilent 1260 Infinity Nanoflow LC system is compatible with most ESI, nanoscan or MALDI MS systems