1260 Infinity Nanoflow Pump (CAT#: AM-LE-0855-Y)


• Use nanoflow mode to optimize the flow rate, from 100 nµL/min to 1 µL/min use the normal mode, the flow rate can reach 25 mL/min, easy to replace the hardware
• Electronic flow control (EFC) provides real-time flow adjustment throughout the analysis process to obtain reliable and repeatable results
• Industry-leading flow sensor technology to achieve accurate nano flow

Cat Number: AM-LE-0855-Y

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The 1260 Infinity Nanoflow Pump is manufactured by Agilent Technologies and uses a unique solvent delivery technology with a flow rate of nanoliters per minute. Nanoflow pumps use electronic flow control (EFC) with active feedback and real-time flow regulation, providing consistent, repeatable retention times and excellent flow and gradient performance


• Use nanoflow mode to optimize the flow rate, from 100 nµL/min to 1 µL/min use the normal mode, the flow rate can reach 25 mL/min, easy to replace the hardware
• Electronic flow control (EFC) provides real-time flow adjustment throughout the analysis process to obtain reliable and repeatable results
• Industry-leading flow sensor technology to achieve accurate nano flow
• Micro-vacuum degassing, the internal volume of each channel is positively small (1 mL), which can realize rapid switching and rapid purification of mobile phase
• Handheld controller control for easy understanding of local status

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