150mm Diameter Grade GF/D Glass Microfiber Filters, Case of 25, Whatman (CAT#: STEM-FC-2486-LC)


Available in multiple sizes to fit most holders

Cat Number: STEM-FC-2486-LC

Application: Designed as a membrane prefilter

Model: AKM-9007-0566

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Grade GF/D Glass Microfiber Filters manufactured by Whatman offer faster flow rate and overall filtration speed than cellulose filter papers with similar particle retention. The thick filter exhibits a high loading capacity. GF/D can be as a membrane prefilter to provide good protection for finely retentive membranes.


Style: Glass Microfiber Filters
Size: 150mm
Material: Glass Microfiber
Qty: 25
Treatment/Grade: Grade GF/D, 2.7 µm
Manufacturer Part Number: Whatman - 1823-150


Available in multiple sizes to fit most holders