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2017 Beckman Coulter B90883 In Woonsocket, RI, USA (CAT#: STEM-CAPO-0017-YJL)


Exquisite Sensitivity
Unique collection of innovative technologies provide exceptional detection capabilities
Large dynamic range to resolve dim and bright populations in the same sample

Cat Number: STEM-CAPO-0017-YJL

Application: Used to measure the volume of cells in a rapidly flowing fluid stream

Model: B90883

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2017 Beckman Coulter B90883 In Woonsocket, RI, USA, model B90883, is manufactured by Beckman - Coulter biotechnology & life science.
The CytoFLEX LX Flow Cytometer is an expansion of the CytoFLEX Platform. This model expands research possibilities with up to six lasers and 21 color parameters. Six spatially separated lasers allows panels to be spread across the spectrum reducing cross talk and spectral overlap.
Used Beckman Coulter CytoFlex LX Flow Cytometer for sale. SSLLC offers a wide selection of used


Condition: Used


Exquisite Sensitivity
Unique collection of innovative technologies provide exceptional detection capabilities
Large dynamic range to resolve dim and bright populations in the same sample
Use violet side scatter to detect nanoparticles
Platform Versatility
Purchase the number of parameters needed now and add more parameters by purchasing an activation key
Includes full complement of repositionable bandpass filters, non-standard filters also available for even more flexibility
CytoFLEX LX WDM Beam Splitter module available to assign IR channels to UV, Near UV, or Violet laser WDM
Low Maintenance
Lasers, steering optics and flow cell are all mounted onto a vibration isolated table, maintaining optical alignment
Low pressure fluidics system
Preventive Maintenance can be completed by the user, no service visit required
Automation Enabled
Optional 96-well plate sample loader
API (Application Programming Interface) allows external software to control the instrument
For automated sample processing and data acquisition integrate with the Biomek i-Series Instrument

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