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2D Fluid Storage Bag, Luer Plug, 2L, SUS-S-B000211G, STEMart (CAT#: STEM-GC-5088-Y)


Conforms to USP<85>, USP<87>, USP<88>, USP<661>, ISO10993-4 and other standards.
A wide range of models from 5mL to 100L.
Customised to meet customer requirements.

Cat Number: STEM-GC-5088-Y

Application: ▪ Sterile filtration and storage of buffers and culture media.<br />▪ Harvesting of stock solutions.<br />▪ Component collection.<br />▪ Sample collection.<br />▪ Intermediate product storage.<br />▪ Transport of end-products.

Model: SUS-S-B000211G

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Pouch film DuoFilm-001 film is a 7-layer laminated biopharmaceutical film with a thickness of 0.31 mm and a liquid contact layer of ULDPE with excellent physicochemical and biocompatibility properties.


Inlet line 1: 1/4 "X3/8''


Conforms to USP<85>, USP<87>, USP<88>, USP<661>, ISO10993-4 and other standards.
A wide range of models from 5mL to 100L.
Customised to meet customer requirements.
Fast response time.