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321-H1 Pump, 0.15-15 mL/min, Gilson (CAT#: STEM-DS-1686-LC)


High-pressure Adjustable Volume Dynamic Mixer (AVDM™) allows fast gradient response times and homogeneous mixtures
H1 pump heads are ideal for 2–12 mm ID columns with flows up to 15 mL/min and pressures up to 8,700 psi (600 bar)
Easy Control

Cat Number: STEM-DS-1686-LC

Application: HPLC

Model: 321-H1

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The 321 and 322 Pumps manufactured by Gilson are multi-solvent pumps designed to be integrated in Gilson's HPLC analytical and semi-preparative systems. The pumps provide flow rates from 0.15 mL/min up to 30 mL/min at pressures up to 8,700 psi (600 bar) with columns up to 21.2 mm ID. A single 321 or 322 pump is important for isocratic and binary gradients; tertiary gradients require the combination of two pumps.


Flow Rate Range: 0.15-15 mL/min
Purification Technique: HPLC


High-pressure Adjustable Volume Dynamic Mixer (AVDM™) allows fast gradient response times and homogeneous mixtures
H1 pump heads are ideal for 2–12 mm ID columns with flows up to 15 mL/min and pressures up to 8,700 psi (600 bar)
Easy Control
The 321 functions as a controller with integrated keypad, including safety files, anomaly processing procedures, and GLP functions.

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