356-LC Refractive Index Detector (RI Detector) (CAT#: AM-LE-0526-Y)


• LED light source is stable, high intensity, long life, provides stable long-term performance and excellent thermal stability
• The low dead volume flow cell and precise temperature control optics achieve excellent detection limits
• Using Galaxie software, the detector can be decontaminated before analysis for overnight operation

Cat Number: AM-LE-0526-Y

Application: This universal detector is ideal for analyzing non-absorbent compounds such as polymers, carbohydrates, alcohols, and fatty acids.

Model: PL0880-0000

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356-LC Refractive Index Detector is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. The 356-LC low dead volume sample cell and Galaxie chromatographic data system software not only ensure excellent sensitivity and baseline stability, but also achieve full control, digital data acquisition and automation. It is designed to meet the most demanding analytical applications.


Type: Refractive Index
Measuring Range: 150 to 600 uRIU
Linearity: 600 uRIU
Refractive Index Range: 1.0 to 1.75 RIU


• LED light source is stable, high intensity, long life, provides stable long-term performance and excellent thermal stability
• The low dead volume flow cell and precise temperature control optics achieve excellent detection limits
• Using Galaxie software, the detector can be decontaminated before analysis for overnight operation
• The digital signal of the detector can be easily integrated with Galaxie software to achieve powerful data acquisition and processing without the need of A/D interface
• The detector can be controlled externally, allowing devices such as pumps to automatically activate functions such as electro-optical zero point and reference cell flushing

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