4500 Series Portable FTIR (CAT#: AM-LE-0076-Y)


• Portable and durable, obtain reliable and high-quality results even in non-laboratory environments
• MicroLab Mobile software is powerful, reliable, and easy to use
• 4500 Dialpath: Can provide a longer light path for the transmission spectrum

Cat Number: AM-LE-0076-Y

Application: Food Adulteration, Soil Analysis, Incoming QA/QC, Final Product QA/QC, Petrochemical Blending, Regulatory Compliance, Fine Chemicals, Recycling

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The 4500 Series Portable FTIR is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. The instrument is compact, portable, easy to use, highly durable, reliable optics, innovative sampling interface, and dedicated software to provide reliable results for liquid and solid samples. On-site analysis of raw materials and finished products in the chemical, food and polymer industries.


Weight: 6.8 kg
Wavelength Range: 4000 to 650 cm-1
Resolution: 4 to 32 cm-1


• Portable and durable, obtain reliable and high-quality results even in non-laboratory environments
• MicroLab Mobile software is powerful, reliable, and easy to use
• 4500 Dialpath: Can provide a longer light path for the transmission spectrum
• 4500t: Simply wipe the two windows to complete the cleaning quickly
• 4500a: Depending on the application, the diamond ATR interface with one, three or five reflections can be used

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