660-IR FT-R Spectrometer (CAT#: AM-LE-0071-Y)


• High spectral resolution and fast kinetic speed, providing information-rich results
• Comprehensive options, such as step scan, TGA-IR, FT-Raman, microscope and chemical imaging, to meet all your application needs
• Rugged and reliable hardware and powerful, intuitive software enable ultimate productivity

Cat Number: AM-LE-0071-Y

Model: 660-IR

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The 660-IR FT-R Spectrometer is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. It is a versatile, high-performance spectrometer that provides excellent performance levels, spectral resolution, and signal-to-noise ratio measurements, and is designed to meet the needs of conventional spectral analysis and research applications.


Wavelength Range: 15800 to 375 cm^-1 depending on Optics (Mid-, Near-, Mid-Near IR)
Resolution: better than 0.07 cm^-1


• High spectral resolution and fast kinetic speed, providing information-rich results
• Comprehensive options, such as step scan, TGA-IR, FT-Raman, microscope and chemical imaging, to meet all your application needs
• Rugged and reliable hardware and powerful, intuitive software enable ultimate productivity
• High signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) performance, providing higher sensitivity and productivity than competing models
• Intelligent electronic device for accessory and component identification, providing seamless switching and automatic method optimization

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