7250 GC/Q-TOF System (CAT#: AM-LE-0088-Y)


• Identify compounds with high resolution, accurate quality data and sensitive detection
• Accurate quantitative determination of analytes with wide dynamic range without loss of spectrum quality
• Available chemical ionization for both positive and negative mode analysis, supporting complementary data types

Cat Number: AM-LE-0088-Y

Application: The Agilent 7250 GC/Q-TOF system has a wide dynamic range and can provide full-spectrum, high-resolution, accurate mass data for compound identification and quantification suitable for gas chromatography analysis.

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7250 GC/Q-TOF System is manufactured by Agilent Technologies, this high-resolution GC/Q-TOF can be used with GC MS/MS for precise mass screening and can be used for MS/MS, low-energy electron bombardment ionization and complementary chemical ionization. Designed for practical analysis and manufactured for laboratory stability.


• Identify compounds with high resolution, accurate quality data and sensitive detection
• Accurate quantitative determination of analytes with wide dynamic range without loss of spectrum quality
• Available chemical ionization for both positive and negative mode analysis, supporting complementary data types
• Use high-spectrum fidelity to achieve reliable library matching and high-isotope fidelity to generate verifiable chemical formulas to enhance compound identification
• Utilize high-efficiency ionization and improve the confidence of compound detection with the help of MassHunter SureMass algorithm
• Accurate detection of trace target compounds in the presence of high-abundance matrix compounds, with a wide dynamic range in the spectrum
• Elucidate the chemical structure with the help of MS/MS functions and molecular structure correlation software that can reveal more details
• Even for narrow chromatographic peaks in high-throughput workflows with data acquisition rates of up to 50 spectra per second, it ensures excellent data quality
• The 8890 GC has built-in intelligent functions to diagnose, monitor, and simplify multi-function operations through integrated touch screen and browser user interface to improve analysis efficiency
• Use the feature-rich MassHunter software to perform screening, analysis, discovery workflow, etc
• Supports flow path and thermal modulation full two-dimensional gas chromatography, which can flexibly improve the chromatographic resolution of selective compound detection

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