Abcam App (CAT#: AM-LE-0010-Y)


• Concierge reference materials, including detailed images and videos
• Experiment with the aid of calculator, timer and converter
• Personalize your device with Molly wallpapers

Cat Number: AM-LE-0010-Y

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Abcam App is manufactured by Abcam plc, is an easy-to-access application for iPhone and iPad, is a mole calculator or find a specific part of how to run the application.


Item: Abcam App
Company: Abcam plc
Type: Reference, Protocols, Tools
Platform Size: 19.3 MB
Versions: 1
Application: Western blot,Flow cytometry, ChIP, ELISA, Immunocytochemistry, Sandwich ELISA, Immunohistochemistry, Protocol timers, Calculator - molar, Unit converter, Molarity calculator, Dilution calculator – mass, Buffer recipes, Fluorochrome guide
Language(s): English
Platforms: iPhone , iPod touch, iPad (Requires iOS 5.0 or later. Optimized for iPhone 5)


• Concierge reference materials, including detailed images and videos
• Experiment with the aid of calculator, timer and converter
• Personalize your device with Molly wallpapers
• Find the support and contact information closest to you