Acoustic, optical, electrical, and magnetic analysis of materials is used to evaluate the characteristic properties and functional physical properties of liquid and solid materials, and to efficiently and effectively characterize the acoustic, optical, electrical, and magnetic properties of the tested materials.
STEMart provides a variety of instruments to achieve acoustic, optical, electrical and magnetic analysis of materials.
The acoustic properties of materials are presented through the interaction between materials and sound waves, reflecting the dynamic mechanical properties of materials. The main parameters describing the acoustic performance of materials are sound velocity, characteristic acoustic impedance and sound attenuation.
Optical performance testing is a method for testing the optical properties of materials. The optical properties of a substance mainly refer to the various properties of the substance when it absorbs, reflects and refracts light, as well as the phenomenon of light interference and scattering caused by the substance.
The electrical characterization of materials is used to test the electrical properties of semiconductor, dielectric and metallic materials. Resistance and conductivity are used to judge how conductive a material is. Permittivity is used to characterize a material's ability to respond to electromagnetic waves.
Magnetic properties test is used to measure various types of magnetism of substances, including: diamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, ferrimagnetism, superparamagnetism, etc. The magnetism exhibited by a material depends on its composition and structure.
STEMart provides acoustic, optical, electrical and magnetic testing services for materials, solves testing problems in R&D and processing, and provides high-quality comprehensive scientific research and technical services for the field of material testing. If you want to learn more detail about our acoustic, optical, electrical and magnetic testing services, or would like to consult with the experts at STEMart, please feel free to contact us.