Acquity M-Class UHPLC System, Waters (CAT#: STEM-CPO-0757-ZJF)


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned

Cat Number: STEM-CPO-0757-ZJF

Application: For chromatography

Model: Acquity M-Class

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The manufacturer of the Acquity M-Class UHPLC System, Waters is Waters.
Refurbished Waters Acquity M-Class UHPLC complete with: Acquity UPLC uBinary Solvent Manager (p/n 186016003), uSample Manager-FL (p/n 186016012), M-Class Trap Valve Manager (p/n 186016016), and Acquity UPLC single column heater (p/n CH-A). The Acquity UPLC M-Class System delivers the most robust, reliable, and highest quality nano- to microscale UPLC separations to every laboratory performing LC/MS analyses. System of choice for sample-limited applications in proteomics and biomarker discovery.


Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned
Maximum operating pressure : 15,000 psi
pH range: 2 to 10
Operating flow rate range : 200 nL/min to 100 μL/min without flow splitting
Sample flow path : Non-ferrous
Injection volume: 0.1 µL to 100.0 µL
Sample compartment : 4–40 ˚C
Pump options: Binary
Column tracking : None
Column capacity : Single column, 75 µm to 4.6 mm internal diameter (ID); up to 250 mm in length
Maximum sample capacity: Up to 21 plates (with Sample Organizer)
Detector options:
PDA Detector
TUV Detector
Mass Spectrometers
External control :
MassLynx Software
Physical specifications (µBSM, µSM-FL, TVM):
Width: 34.3 cm (13.5 in.)
Height: 69.7 cm(27.4 in.)
Depth: 71.2 cm (28.0 in.)
Optional: Custom Waters cart, Auxillary Solvent Manager, Waters Acquity FLR detector, and Waters Acquity PDA detector.


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Money back guarantee
Certified with warranty

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