Acquity UPLC System with PDA, Waters Corporation (CAT#: STEM-CPO-0821-ZJF)


Quantitates trace impurities at levels to 0.004% with low signal-to-noise ratios, high optical and digital resolution, and library matching
Achieves UPLC/PDA separations with flexible parameter control and sampling rates for accurate, reproducible integration
Offers efficient light transmission for maximum sensitivity

Cat Number: STEM-CPO-0821-ZJF

Application: For UPLC ananlysis

Model: Waters Acquity With PDA

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The manufacturer of the Acquity UPLC System With PDA is Waters Corporation.
Acquity UPLC from Waters provides reliable, reproducible, and data-rich separation results. In addition to increased throughput and high efficiency, this UPLC system features a wide range of flow rates, back pressures, and linear velocities. In addition to a sample manager, column manager, binary solvent manager, and PDA detector, this contained tower UPLC system has a variety of features.
Featuring data rates up to 80 Hz, noise specifications of 10 AU, and an extended linear range, the ACQUITY PDA Detector will enable your laboratory to detect and quantify lower concentrations of sample analytes.
The PDA detector meets multiple UPLC/MS detection strategy requirements for identifying components that are difficult to resolve by conventional HPLC.


Condition: Pre-owned
Solvent Manager:
Number of solvents: Up to four, in any combination of two: A1 or A2 and B1 or B2.
Solvent conditioning: Vacuum degassing (six-channel): one channel per solvent, and two channels for sample manager wash solvents.
Settable flow rate range: 0.001 to 2.000 mL/min, in 0.001 mL increments
Gradient profiles: Eleven gradient curves Wet prime Automatic
Maximum operating pressure: 103,421 kPa (1034 bar, 15,000 psi) up to 1 L/min, 62,053 kPa (621 bar, 9000 psi) up to 2 mL/min
Composition accuracy: ±0.5% absolute (full scale) from 5 to 95% from 0.50 to 2.00 mL/mina
Composition precision: 0.15% RSD or ±0.04 min SD
Flow accuracy: ±1.0% at 0.5 mL/min
Sample Manager:
Number of SBS/ANSI sample plates:
Total of two plates, expandable to up to 22 plates with optional sample organizer.
Maximum of 22 microtiter plates, 11 intermediate-depth plates, or 8 deep-well (or 2 mL vial) plates:
96 and 384 microtiter plates
48-position 2 mL vial plates
48-position 0.65 mL micro-centrifuge tube plates
24-position 1.5 mL micro-centrifuge tube plates
Maximum sample capacity: 768 in two 384-well plates; expandable to up to 8,448 samples with optional sample organizer
Injection volume range:
0.1 to 50 µL, in 0.1 µL increments,
partial or full loop mode, 10 µL loop is
standard; 1, 2, 5, 20, and 50 µL loops
Sample temperature control: 4 to 40 °C, programmable in 0.1 °C increments
Minimum sample required: 5 µL residual volume at a needle offset of 0, or 22 µL at the preset 2 mm needle offset
Column Heater:
Columns accepted: Any up to 4.6 mm ID and 150mm long
Temperature range: 5 above ambient to 65°C (9 above ambient to 194°F)
PDA Detector:
Wavelength Range: 190-500 nm
Flow Cell Options:
Analytical Cell 500 nanoliters, 10 mm pathlength
High Sensitivity Cell 2.4 microliters, 25mm pathlength
Dimensions: 25 x 14 x 34”
Power: 100-240v, 50/60 Hz

Waters Acquity UPLC System with PDA
Waters Acquity Tray
Waters Acquity PDA Detector
Waters Acquity Column Manager
Waters Acquity Sample Manager
Waters Acquity Binary Solvent Manager
Data System
Warranty Coverage


Quantitates trace impurities at levels to 0.004% with low signal-to-noise ratios, high optical and digital resolution, and library matching
Achieves UPLC/PDA separations with flexible parameter control and sampling rates for accurate, reproducible integration
Offers efficient light transmission for maximum sensitivity
Provides simultaneous 2D and 3D operation in either Empower or MassLynx Software
Wavelengths of 190 to 500 nm and up to 2.0 AU without compromising linearity
1.3% deviation at 2.0 AU
5.0% deviation at 2.8 AU

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