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Acurex® 501 Compact Dispensers,0.2 to 30 mL, Socorex Isba SA (CAT#: STEM-LE-1280-LC)


Protected metering mechanism inside the reservoir
Telescopic scale column can reduce the height of the instrument
The fluid path is made of inert material without any metal

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1280-LC

Application: Liquid handling

Model: Acurex® 501

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The low profile Acurex® 501 Compact Dispensers is designed for safe handling of reagents, suitable for refrigerator storage and water bath heating. The volume range is 0.2 to 30 μL.


Volume Range:0.2 to 30 mL (depending on model)


Protected metering mechanism inside the reservoir
Telescopic scale column can reduce the height of the instrument
The fluid path is made of inert material without any metal
Optional four sizes of storage tanks and two glass qualities
Can be autoclaved at 121°C / 250°F
One year warranty

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