Adsorption Chromatography Technology

Adsorption Chromatography Technology separates different components by using the difference in their physical adsorption properties on the surface of the adsorbent. Adsorption Chromatography Technology is also known as Liquid-Solid Chromatography Technology. The mobile phase is a liquid, and the stationary phase is an adsorbent with less active chemical properties and a large surface area (such as activated carbon, silica gel, etc.). Adsorption Chromatography Technology can be carried out with the adsorbent packed in a column, covered on a plate, or impregnated in porous filter paper, suitable for separating different kinds of compounds (separating alcohols and aromatic hydrocarbons).


A substance that is generally porous in nature with a high surface area to adsorb substances on its surface by intermolecular forces is called an adsorbent. Some commonly used adsorbents are silica gel, alumina, activated carbon, and polyamide.

  • Silica gel: suitable for chromatographic separation of neutral or acidic components.
  • Alumina:
    Acidic alumina (pH4~5): suitable for separating acidic compounds.
    Basic alumina (pH9~10): suitable for separating basic compounds.
    Neutral alumina (pH7): suitable for separating alkaloids, volatile oils, terpenes, steroids, glycosides, esters, and other compounds that are unstable in acid and alkali.
  • Activated carbon: suitable for simple adsorption processes in operations such as decolorization and deodorization in the purification process.
  • Polyamide: suitable for phenols, flavonoids, quinones, and fatty carboxylic acids.

These are some important types of adsorption chromatography technology.

Column Chromatography Technology – In this technique, the adsorbent is placed in a column.

Thin-Layer Chromatography Technology – In this technique, the adsorbent is placed on a thin-layer plate.

Paper Chromatography Technology – In this technique, paper is used as the adsorbent.

Display of types of adsorption chromatography technology.Fig.1 Display of types of adsorption chromatography technology.


Adsorption Chromatography Technology is widely used in the field of biotechnology, mainly in the separation of small biological molecules. Small biological molecules have small relative molecular mass, relatively stable structure and properties, and less demanding operating conditions.

  • Isolation of amino acids.
  • Isolation of antibiotics.
  • Identification of carbohydrates.
  • Separation and identification of fats and fatty acids.
  • Isolation and identification of peptides and proteins.
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STEMart provides you with a variety of adsorption chromatography technology equipment to help you quickly and efficiently separate and analyze to meet your various R&D and application needs. If you have any questions or requirements for chromatography equipment, please feel free to contact us.

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