Agilent 1100 LC MSD Model G1946D Mass Spectrometer, 2-3000 amu, HP Agilent (CAT#: STEM-CPO-0040-YJL)


Agilent 1100 LC/MSD Model G1946D
ElectroSpray ionization Source
Mass Range 2-3000 amu

Cat Number: STEM-CPO-0040-YJL

Application: For mass spectrometry analysis

Model: G1946D

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Agilent 1100 LC MSD Model G1946D Mass Spectrometer, 2-3000 amu, model G1946D, is manufactured by HP Agilent. Agilent 1100 LC/MSD with Model G1946D mass spectrometer.
Agilent 1100 G1956D LC MS refurbished to specifications, ESI source, roughing pump, complete data system. *Professional installation available.
In 1997 HP introduces its first benchtop quadrupole LC/MS the 1100 Series LC/MSD. The 1100 Series LC/MSD provides information quickly in one chromatographic run. It provides molecular weight structural information and has excellent selectivity needed to identify compounds check the purity of chromatographic peaks and quantitate trace level samples in complex matrices in a rugged reliable easy-to-use benchtop system. For chromatographers and mass spectrometrists who need the utmost in sensitivity the LC/MSD SL makes analyses in the very low picogram range possible*
The 1100 Series LC/MSD offers many advantages as an LC detector. It offers the dynamic range and repeatability needed for most quantitative applications. In the SIM mode it offers high sensitivity. For compounds lacking a strong chromophore it offers detection limits not possible with other detectors. By offering unit mass resolution to m/z 3000 the LC/MSD allows for characterization of large proteins beyond 60000 KDalton. Having extended mass range to 3000 is also beneficial when studying modified proteins such as glycoproteins where their charge distribution falls above m/z 2000.
The Agilent 1100 Series LC/MSD is a benchtop mass spectrometer designed to be integrated with the 1100 Series HPLC System. It is a quadrupole based atmospheric pressure ionization (API) instrument capable of doing both electrospray ionization (ESI) and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI). The LC/MSD can handle normal HPLC flow rates (1 ml/min) without splitting the effluent and with minimal adjustment of the spray chamber.
Optional Configuration
Agilent/HP 1100 Series G1312A Binary Pump
Agilent/HP 1100 Series G1313 Autosampler
Agilent/HP 1100 Series G1316A Column compartment
Agilent/HP 1100 Series G1322A Degasser and Solvent tray
More Configurations available


Condition: Certified Pre-Owned
Mass Range: 2-3000 amu
Mass Accuracy: +/- 0.13 u within the calibrated mass range in scan mode
Mass Axis Stability: +/- 0.13 u over 8 hours
Scan Speed: 2500 u/s standard mode; 5250 u/s fast scan mode
SIM Sensitivity: ESI at 400 ul/min; APCI at 1000 ul/min; Selected ion monitoring of m/z 609.3; Positive ionization; Signal To Noise Ratio; Quantity: 1 pg reserpine 100:1 RMS (20:1 peak-to-peak)
Scan Sensitivity: ESI at 400 ul/min; APCI at 1000 ul/min; Scan range m/z 100-650; Scan speed 2500 u/s; Extracted ion at m/z 609.3; Positive ionization; Signal To Noise Ratio; Quantity: 50 pg reserpine 100:1 RMS (20:1 peak-to-peak)
Multiple Signal Acquisition: Ability to cycle


Agilent 1100 LC/MSD Model G1946D
ElectroSpray ionization Source
Mass Range 2-3000 amu
LAN Communications
Roughing Pump
Complete Data system

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