Agilent 5975 MSD, HP Agilent (CAT#: STEM-MSPO-0001-LGZ)


Advanced analysis features

The modular mass analyzer integrates a proprietary quartz quadrupole, a solid inert ion source, and an industry-leading detector. This powerful combination provides better MS resolution and the lowest mass bias; it also guarantees superior sensitivity and spectral integrity, giving you the highest confidence in your results. New trace ion detection technology offers more capabilities at trace levels.

Cat Number: STEM-MSPO-0001-LGZ

Application: For MS analysis.

Model: 5975

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Proven performance, exceptional productivity – and the utmost confidence in your results.
Welcome to the next generation of the industry-proven Agilent 5975C Series GC/MSD - the most popular GC/MS ever created.

The Agilent 5975C Inert GC/MSD combines innovative design features to increase your laboratory's productivity with advanced analytical capabilities to help you achieve better results, faster. Perfectly complemented by the new 7890A GC, this platform delivers all the elements of Perfect Chemistry - superior performance, unmatched reliability, increased productivity and enhanced ease of use.


Condition: certified pre-owned


Advanced analysis features

The modular mass analyzer integrates a proprietary quartz quadrupole, a solid inert ion source, and an industry-leading detector. This powerful combination provides better MS resolution and the lowest mass bias; it also guarantees superior sensitivity and spectral integrity, giving you the highest confidence in your results. New trace ion detection technology offers more capabilities at trace levels.

Higher throughput

Comprehensive automation capabilities and faster separation and detection cycle times enable you to process more samples with greater confidence. Advanced analysis routines let you get more information out of each run, and automated spectral deconvolution, identification, and quantification software simplifies post-run analysis.

Maximum run time

Thoughtful, true engineering features allow for faster, easier routine maintenance, and new self-diagnostics and preventive maintenance software make it easier than ever to keep your lab running at peak performance - all the time.

Engineering is about performance and productivity.

At Agilent, building the world's most trusted GC/MS solutions is a constant challenge and process of continuous improvement. With each new generation of instruments, we never lose sight of our goal - to help your laboratory achieve better results with greater confidence and process more samples in the shortest possible time.

The gold standard in quadrupole design and performance

The quadrupoles used in the Agilent 5975C Series GC/MSD incorporate a combination of Agilent's patented, proprietary technologies to deliver superior performance and significantly enhanced reliability.
The true hyperbolic quartz structure has extremely low thermal expansion and exhibits excellent dimensional stability. The unique design results in lower field errors versus round rod quadrupoles, as well as excellent resolution and mass axis stability regardless of laboratory temperature fluctuations.
The submicron layered gold hyperbolic electrode surface provides maximum transmission while maintaining resolution across the mass range up to 1050u. Roasting to 200ºC allows for more reliable assays, as well as excellent high mass stability and minimal maintenance. An available high-quality assay kit provides the added confidence of high-quality, accurate reporting.

Solid inert ion source up to 350°C for enhanced system performance

Agilent's proprietary inert source is now programmable up to 350°C for enhanced response to active compounds and late eluents, including pesticides. It offers exceptional electron impact ionization and lets you run sample after sample with complete confidence. The light source is constructed of solid inert material, so there is no inert coating to wear down over time and eventually corrupt your data. An inert ion source eliminates surface-active reactions for more reliable library matching. It also requires less cleaning, increasing your lab's productivity.
An inert ion source eliminates surface-active reactions for more reliable library matching. It also requires less cleaning, increasing your lab's productivity.

Trace ion detection provides real performance improvements for complex matrices

Revolutionary trace ion detection technology can lower your method detection limit (MDL), as well as limit of quantitation (LOQ). It reduces false negatives and further improves the performance of inert ion sources at trace levels. The technique also ensures more repeatable baselines, greatly reducing the amount of manual intervention during peak integration. Trace ion detection technology gives you better spectral fidelity, increasing your confidence in your results when doing library matches.

High-sensitivity automatic tuning makes system performance easy to optimize

By automating the process, trial and error in optimizing operating conditions is taken out of the equation. The Autotune feature of the 5975C system saves time, improves performance and improves consistency between instruments.
Powerful analytical capabilities improve results and productivity.
Fast Electronics Enhanced Performance, Simultaneous SIM/Scan Support
The fast electronics used in the 5975C Series GC/MSD maximizes signal transmission for fast GC/MS in full scan and selected ion monitoring (SIM) modes. It also supports simultaneous SIM/scanning.

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