Agilent 8453 Diode Spectrophotometers, 190 – 1100 nm, Agilent (CAT#: STEM-SPO-0044-LGZ)


UV-Vis spectrum acquisition and analysis is completed within 1 second.
Stable optics, low noise electronics, no moving parts.
The application software is easy to operate.

Cat Number: STEM-SPO-0044-LGZ

Application: For biological research.

Model: 8453

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The Agilent 8453 Spectrophotometer is an essential part of the UV-Vis system. Routine and occasional users can take advantage of the features of diode arrays, including fast scanning, excellent sensitivity, and near-absolute wavelength reproducibility.
Featuring exceptional ruggedness and reliability, this Agilent spectrophotometer is easy to use with line power indicators, status indicators and other buttons. The device uses a photodiode array (PDA) for high reliability. Measuring the entire spectrum simultaneously using the array takes less than a second. Use data analysis software for efficient data analysis and archiving, ensuring compliance with Good Laboratory Practice and Pharmacopoeia requirements.


Condition: certified pre-owned
Wavelength range: 190 – 1100 nm
EP resolution test: > 1.6 spectrum of a 0.02% v/v solution oftoluene in hexane, ratio abs. at
Stray light: < 0.03 % at 340 nm (NaNO2, ASTM); < 0.05% at 220 nm (NaI, ASTM); < 1% at 200 nm (KCl, EP)
Wavelength accuracy: < ±0.5 nm (NIST 2034)*; < ±0.2 nm at 486.0 and 656.1nm
Wavelength reproducibility: < ±0.02 nm ten consecutive scans (NIST 2034)
Photometric accuracy: < ±0.005 A at 1 A (NIST 930e)
Photometric noise: < 0.0002 A sixty 0.5-s scans at 0 A, 500 nm, rms
Photometric stability: < 0.001 A/h at 0 A, 340 nm, after 1-hour warm-up, measured over 1 hour, every 5 seconds, constant ambient temperature
Baseline flatness: < 0.001 A 0.5-second blank, 0.5-second scan, rms
Typical scan time: 1.5 second full range
Slit width: 1nm


UV-Vis spectrum acquisition and analysis is completed within 1 second.
Stable optics, low noise electronics, no moving parts.
The application software is easy to operate.
Pre-aligned deuterium and tungsten lamps are easily exchanged.
Software/firmware built-in self-tests and revisions.

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