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Junior Automated Workflow Solution, Unchained Labs (CAT#: AM-AUTO-0063-LY)


Hand off your process
Bench the pH meter
Knock viscosity out in 6

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0063-LY

Application: Solutions for biologics formulation, small molecule preformulation and process chemistry.

Model: Junior

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The Junior Automated Workflow Solution is manufactured by Unchained Labs. Junior automates all manual and difficult biological formulation tasks. It ties them together, making them a completely routine, high-throughput process. Junior is suitable for the whole process of developability assessments, robustness evaluation, preformulation and formulation development of the formulations.


Number of Channels: 4 Channel


Hand off your process
Bench the pH meter
Knock viscosity out in 6
Dead-on visual inspection
Break through bottlenecks