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mosquito® crystal, TTP LabTech (CAT#: AM-AUTO-0194-LY)

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0194-LY

Application: protein crystallography set-ups e.g. hanging and sitting drop, additive screening, microseeding, microbatch, bicelle.

Model: mosquito® crystal

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The mosquito® crystal is manufactured by TTP LabTech. It combines the speed, accuracy and high-precision volume with zero cross contamination of disposable needles. It can use smaller, precious protein samples without the risk of cross-contamination. This will save costs and allow for wider screening. You can automate all popular protein crystallization screening techniques (hanging drop, sitting drop and micro drop as well as seeding or additive screening plate preparation) without setting changes to the instrument.


Pipetting range: 25 nL-1.2 µL
Throughput: 2 minutes/ 96-well plate
Primary SBS plate format: 48, 96 and 384
Accessories: Active humidity chamber and spool cover
Weight: 27 kg (59 lbs)
Dimensions (W x D x H): 390 mm (790 mm 5 plate deck) x 470 mm x 690 mm
15.5 in (31 in) x 18.5 in x 27 in
Technical variants: 2 or 5 plate position deck