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mosquito® LCP, TTP LabTech (CAT#: AM-AUTO-0195-LY)

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0195-LY

Application: lipidic cubic phase (LCP) screening plus all the functionality of mosquito crystal.

Model: mosquito® LCP

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The mosquito® LCP is manufactured by TTP LabTech. It overcomes the common problems encountered with accurately dispensing the highly viscous LCP mixture used in membrane protein crystallization and allows you to fully automate LCP set-ups accurately and repeatedly. mosquito® LCP includes all the functionality of mosquito crystal for your automated vapour diffusion set-ups. This allows you to set up both LCP and traditional protein crystallization experiments in any commercially available plate, using just one instrument with no configuration changes, additional hardware or software.


Pipetting range: 25 nL - 1.2 μL
Throughput: 2 minutes/ standard 96-well plate, 4 minutes/ 96-well LCP plate
Primary SBS plate format: 48, 96 and 384
Accessories: Active humidity chamber, spool cover and LCP mixer
Weight: 34 kg (75 lbs)
Dimensions (W x D x H): 440 mm (790 mm 4 plate deck) x 470 mm x 690 mm
17.3 in (31 in) x 18.5 in x 27 in
Technical variants: 2 or 4 plate position deck