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mosquito® HV, TTP LabTech (CAT#: AM-AUTO-0197-LY)

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0197-LY

Application: serial dilutions, stamping out assay ready plates from compound dilution plates, cell or bead based assays, enzyme kinetic assays.

Model: mosquito® HV

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The mosquito® HV is manufactured by TTP LabTech. It provides a high-precision and accurate multi-channel pipette from 500 nL to 5 μL, thus greatly saving precious reagents and time. The ability of suction, distribution and effective mixing from ultra-low volume samples (dead volume as low as 0.2 μL) makes it an ideal liquid treatment device for continuous dilution of low volume. mosquito® HV is simple to use and allows you to move from any type of board or format to another, it can even access low profile microtubules, thus eliminating the need for intermediate motherboards.


Pipetting range: 500 nL-5 µL
Throughput: 2 minutes/ 96-well plate, 3 minutes/ 384 well copy, 5 minutes/ 4 x 384 plate stamp out
Supported SBS plate formats (source and/or destination): 96, 384 and 1,536
Accessories: Active humidity chamber, spool cover, plate processor integration (MoPP)
Weight: 27 kg (59 lbs)
Dimensions (W x D x H): 390 mm (790 mm 5 plate deck) x 470 mm x 690 mm
15.5 in (17.3 in) x 18.5 in x 27 in
Technical variants: 2 or 5 plate position deck