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Personal 96 Channel Automatic Liquid Transfer System, Ajcore (CAT#: AM-AUTO-0293-LY)


Use disposable universal tip, patented nozzle design
The handle operation completes the automatic extraction/removal of the tipping process without the need to manually operate the tip
Enhanced operational safety, positional offset automatically stops, ensuring correct pipetting position

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0293-LY

Application: Liquid transfer across life sciences applications

Model: Personal 96 Channel Automatic Liquid Transfer System

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The Personal 96 Channel Automatic Liquid Transfer System is manufactured by AJcore. It is equipped with 96 channel piston pipette, which can select / replace 3 pipettes of different ranges, with pressure suction and pressure injection. The height is automatically in place without careful operation. Personal 96 has four standard operation modes: pipetting, dispensing, dilution, mucus. It can load magnet plate, vacuum suction cup and other peripheral components to complete various experimental operations.


Use disposable universal tip, patented nozzle design
The handle operation completes the automatic extraction/removal of the tipping process without the need to manually operate the tip
Enhanced operational safety, positional offset automatically stops, ensuring correct pipetting position
Can operate on 96 or 384-well disc