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Automated Liquid Handling, Zinsser Analytic (CAT#: AM-AUTO-0345-LY)


Detect the liquid levels of different liquids which enables fully automated liquid-liquid-extractions of liquids that are insoluble in each other. Liquid level detection is also possible with special carbonized disposable pipetting tips.
Pipetting tips are either chosen from a variety of non-disposable tips with specific properties for each application – e.g. stainless steel, piercing, PTFE coated, filtration, heatable, ceramic coated, multiple channel tips etc. – disposable tips of various volumes (10 µL up to 10 mL, accuracy ± 1%) or from special glass or disposable viscous media tips (100 µL up to 50 mL, accuracy ± 0.5-3%).
Every non-disposable tip is also available as small volume tip, with a reduced diameter for a precise pipetting of smaller volumes.

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0345-LY

Application: Pipetting of diverse volumes from A to B for precise and reliable results.<br />Whole liquid handling processes can be carried out including shaking, heating, reaction time etc. in between.<br />Combination with gripping tools for rack and vial transport possible as well as combination with powder dispense probes and handling options for viscous media.<br />Many industry segments are addressed: chemical, biochemical, pharmaceutical, agrochemical industry etc.

Model: Automated Liquid Handling

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The Automated Liquid Handling is manufactured by Zinsser Analytic. The most important parameters in liquid handling are dispense velocity and precision, which are translated into hardware by our experienced engineers. With this in-house software department reliability as well as reproducibility of results are ensured. The rheological properties of a liquid determine dispense velocity and precision and thus the required hardware for processing samples of the specific application. Other properties that can be handled are polarity (through magnetic interaction or electrical charge), hydrophobicity, high or low surface tension, solubility, temperature, vapor pressure, air pressure.


Detect the liquid levels of different liquids which enables fully automated liquid-liquid-extractions of liquids that are insoluble in each other. Liquid level detection is also possible with special carbonized disposable pipetting tips.
Pipetting tips are either chosen from a variety of non-disposable tips with specific properties for each application – e.g. stainless steel, piercing, PTFE coated, filtration, heatable, ceramic coated, multiple channel tips etc. – disposable tips of various volumes (10 µL up to 10 mL, accuracy ± 1%) or from special glass or disposable viscous media tips (100 µL up to 50 mL, accuracy ± 0.5-3%).
Every non-disposable tip is also available as small volume tip, with a reduced diameter for a precise pipetting of smaller volumes.