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Cellmate System For Automated Culture of Adherent Cells, Sartorius Stedim Biotech (CAT#: AM-AUTO-0375-LY)


Support batch processing in drug discovery research, supplying cells and proteins for screening and assay development activities
Enable customers to scale-up flask-based manual cell culture from research to production without process change
Offer improved process containment compared to manual cell culture methods and ensures reproducible aseptic processing at all times, leading to better product quality

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0375-LY

Application: High throughput screening, Therapeutic proteins, Cell therapies, Gene therapies, Veterinary viral vaccines, Tissue engineering

Model: Cellmate System

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The Cellmate System For Automated Culture of Adherent Cells is manufactured by Sartorius Stedim Biotech. Cellmate provides aseptic batch production of adherent cells in cylinder bottles and T-shaped bottles, enabling the artificial cell culture process to immediately expand the scale. It provides consistent, reliable and repeatable results, and cell lines and batches are easily changed to meet different needs. It is applied to GMP biological products manufacturing plant, providing flexibility in process, product and scale. Different cell lines and products can be processed in order to achieve real multi product facilities.


Support batch processing in drug discovery research, supplying cells and proteins for screening and assay development activities
Enable customers to scale-up flask-based manual cell culture from research to production without process change
Offer improved process containment compared to manual cell culture methods and ensures reproducible aseptic processing at all times, leading to better product quality
Robotic precision ensures each batch is processed identically, delivering reliable and reproducible results with consistency of product day to day and batch to batch
The automation of tedious labour intensive steps helps eliminate the risk of repetitive strain injury to lab staff
Simplify validation for products that are difficult, costly or impractical to transition into suspension culture in bioreactors
Deliver consistent cells from batch to batch, with higher cell yields and improved cell quality