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ClonePix™ 2 Mammalian Colony Picker, ForteBio (CAT#: AM-AUTO-0420-LY)


Screen more clones in less time
Select cells with desirable attributes
Pick colonies with accuracy

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0420-LY

Application: Monoclonality Assurance, Antigen-Specific Screening, Cell surface expression screening, Clone productivity screening and titer

Model: ClonePix 2

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The ClonePix™ 2 Mammalian Colony Picker is manufactured by ForteBio. ClonePix ™ 2 mammalian colony selector is a fully automatic system for selecting high-value clones for antibody discovery and cell line development. Image and select hybridomas, CHO cells and other cell types based on user-defined parameters. Plate processing, barcode reading and picking are fully integrated. All data, including images, have been saved for downstream analysis. The picker increases the likelihood of finding the best production cell line and greatly reduces time and labor.


Screen more clones in less time
Select cells with desirable attributes
Pick colonies with accuracy
multiple detection methods
sterility maintenance
integrated plate storage
discrete colony formation
Animal-free media and reagents
custom automation options