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RapidHit™ Simultaneous Automated HitPicking System, Hudson Robotics, Inc. (CAT#: AM-AUTO-0422-LY)

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0422-LY

Application: The RapidHit can be used whenever one needs to run follow-up assays after a screen of any size.

Model: RapidHit

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The RapidHit™ Simultaneous Automated HitPicking System is manufactured by Hudson Robotics, Inc. The RapidHit™ Synchronous Automatic HitPicking System is a compact, stand-alone system that allows users to use the same compound source plate as provided in the preliminary screen to obtain an assay plate consisting of the actual hits detected in the preliminary screen. RapidHit uses the output file generated by the plate reader and automatically selects and transmits "matches" based on criteria entered by the user. Immediately after completion of each primary screening assay plate, RapidHit moved the hits to the secondary assay "hit plate" and completely eliminated the possibility of receiving the wrong compound in the secondary screening plate.


RapidHit includes an automatic plate stacker and a compact automatic pipette, all controlled by a system computer linked to a user database via Ethernet.
Compatible with any microplate reader used in today's screening laboratories and takes HTS to new levels of efficiency.