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RapidPick Lite Colony Picker, Hudson Robotics, Inc. (CAT#: AM-AUTO-0423-LY)

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0423-LY

Application: Clone Management, Gene Assembly, DNA transformation into Bacteria, Plasmid Prep, DNA/RNA/Protein extraction and purification, Next-Gen Sequencing (NGS) Prep, DNA and RNA normalization

Model: RapidPick Lite

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The RapidPick Lite Colony Picker is manufactured by Hudson Robotics, Inc. RapidPick 'Lite' is a scaled-down version of the highly regarded RapidPick Workcell for users who need high-speed colony pickiness but can't afford it or don't want to combine automatic plate processing with pick / reload. RapidPick's instant pick-up media filling and growth / daughter plate's instant post-selection sealing function enables arraying. RapidPick 'Lite' can be easily installed on most laboratory desktops with minimal laboratory assets.


Easy to use, easy to set up, easy to maintain, easy to grow as applications change
The software is easy to use and robust for colony picking
Re-arraying option for plate replication and cherry picking is included at no charge
Optional modules include: Halo picking, GFP picking, Colony counting, LED light panel in any color
All methods are ready to go and ready to use, no programming is required
Easily set maximum colonies to pick from segment or plate
Easily set controls wells anywhere in the destination plate, 1,2 or 3 wells or whole rows or columns. Controls are 100% user defined
Lid removal and lid management is included at no charge.
Includes basic service kit for minor issues like pin replacements
48 hour response time for field service in most areas around the world (*ask about your location)
Includes barcode scanners for source and destination plates at no charge and all data tracking.
Includes email notification of all errors, run completions and whatever information you need from the system
The RapidPick Lite is very economical with its new low price and low cost maintenance program. We've included more than ever at a more affordable price.
The new enclosure provides a clean and safe work environment
Options include: free standing table, HEPA filtration, UV sterilization
The RapidPick Lite is everything you want today and nothing you don't. If you need to add something tomorrow, it's no problem with the RapidPick. The system can be expanded anytime to include automated media dispensing, shaking incubation, plate sealing and/or greater plate capacity.
On-board capacity for picking over 1700 colonies per run into 96 DW blocks
Options include: expansion up to 10,000 colony capacity, on-board shaking incubation, Automated media dispensing, on-board plate sealing