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RapidPick Harvester, Hudson Robotics, Inc. (CAT#: AM-AUTO-0426-LY)


Fully-automated sample selection and picking
Manual-override selection prior to picking
Multiple image collection and analysis methods

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0426-LY

Application: The RapidPick Harvester™ can be used for selecting fungal samples, identifying and sampling cellular clusters and for taking sample plugs out of gels. It also enables users to perform ordinary pipetting tasks, such as reformatting plates and transferring liquids among plates.

Model: RapidPick Harvester

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The RapidPick Harvester is manufactured by Hudson Robotics, Inc. It identifies and extracts sample plugs of stem cell clusters, microbial colonies, or fungal samples grown on agar or in semi-solid media. This robotics picking platform is uniquely easy-to-use, accurate and durable.


Pipettor/picker unit: 24.0″ x 29.5″ x 19.5″ (H x W x D)
Enclosure: 36″ x 60.0″ x 33.0″ (H x W x D)
Weight : 50lbs; ~120lbs. w/ enclosure; ~165lbs. w/ PlateCrane
Power Requirements: 120-240 VAC, 50-60Hz, 2Amps Max at 120
Computer Interface: RS-232 serial cable


Fully-automated sample selection and picking
Manual-override selection prior to picking
Multiple image collection and analysis methods
Compatible with third-party cell imaging instruments
Includes email notification and remote operation
Archives images over time, for growth tracking
Harvests samples in both agar and liquid media
Uses sterile, barrier pipette tips to prevent cross-contamination
Offers full automation capability with plate-handling by Hudson's PlateCrane
Includes the full pipetting features of a single-tip robotic pipettor
Plate reformatting is a standard feature
Easy-to-use operator screens
Intuitive menus and graphical interfaces