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Automated Solid Phase Extraction MPS System, GERSTEL (CAT#: AM-AUTO-0509-LY)


The GERSTEL Multi Purpose Sampler (MPS) with Automated SPE Option for standard cartridges provides several benefits compared with manual Solid Phase Extraction:
Improved recovery, precision and reproducibility
Maximized sample throughput by performing SPE during GC or LC analysis of the preceding sample

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0509-LY

Application: Solid Phase Extraction

Model: Multi Purpose Sampler (MPS)

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The Automated Solid Phase Extraction MPS System is manufactured by GERSTEL. Following the SPE purification step, MPS can directly introduce sample extracts into an LC / MS or GC / MS system for analysis. In addition, MPS WorkStation can be used as a stand-alone sample preparation robot to prepare samples for multiple LC / MS or GC / MS systems in the laboratory. GERSTEL SPE can even perform automated sample preparation and analysis on complex samples. Combine accurate results with high throughput to prepare samples in a simple and secure manner.


The GERSTEL Multi Purpose Sampler (MPS) with Automated SPE Option for standard cartridges provides several benefits compared with manual Solid Phase Extraction:
Improved recovery, precision and reproducibility
Maximized sample throughput by performing SPE during GC or LC analysis of the preceding sample
More than 50 percent time saving for overall analysis, compared to manual processing