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Automatic Solid Phase Extractor, Youxingkeyi (CAT#: AM-AUTO-0512-LY)

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0512-LY

Application: Solid phase extraction

Model: P-20

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The Automatic Solid Phase Extractor is manufactured by Youxingkeyi. It has some features:
Number of samples processed continuously: 30
Unique syringe pump design can accurately control the flow rate: 0-20ml / min
Available SPE columns: 1, 3, 6ml
Standard configuration can use 4 kinds of pretreatment solvents, and can expand more solvent channels according to customer needs
Multi-step SPE column activation and eluent
using forward hydraulic technology to ensure the repeatability of sample processing
The inside and outside cleaning technology of the injection needle to ensure no cross-contamination during sample processing
With over-pressure protection function, the pressure is too high, and the machine will stop automatically.
Number of channels: 1, 3
Software operation is simple and convenient, full Chinese interface