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OMNISEC RESOLVE GPC/SEC System, Malvern Panalytical (CAT#: AM-AUTO-0615-LY)


Optimized isocratic pump offers unrivaled flow rate stability to reduce baseline noise in all detectors
Integrated back-flushing automatically protects pump seals from salt precipitation, maximizing their lifetime
Low volume degasser provides rapid solvent and buffer exchange

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0615-LY

Application: Chromatographic performance


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The OMNISEC RESOLVE GPC/SEC System is manufactured by Malvern Panalytical. It is designed by Malvern Panalytical based on 30 years of experience in GPC / SEC and precision electronics, designed to meet the highest standards of chromatographic performance. The combination of an efficient degasser, a low pulsation pump and a column oven can reduce baseline noise and achieve maximum measurement sensitivity and accuracy.


Dimensions: (WxDxH) 420 x 640 x 890 mm
Quantity: EA
Capacity: Up to 192
Detection: Light scattering, Differential refractive index, Viscometer, Diode-array-based UV/Vis spectrometer
Method: Light scattering (RALS or LALS), 4-capillary Wheatstone bridge and Differential refractive index detection
Type: Isocratic Pumps, Low Volume Degasser with integrated Column oven, Autosampler with zero injection volume
Flow Rate: 0.005 to 10 mL/min
Temperature Range: 20°C to 65 °C
Light Source: 50 mW, 640 nm laser


Optimized isocratic pump offers unrivaled flow rate stability to reduce baseline noise in all detectors
Integrated back-flushing automatically protects pump seals from salt precipitation, maximizing their lifetime
Low volume degasser provides rapid solvent and buffer exchange
Improved degassing efficiency means more stable detector baselines
Integrated column oven maintains a stable separation temperature, all the way up to 65°C
Autosampler with zero injection volume overhead mode prevents wastage of your most precious samples
Inject samples from vials or 96-well microtiter plates with unrivaled accuracy and precision
Cool fragile samples such as proteins to 4°C to protect them from aggregation and degradation
Heat polymer samples up to 60°C reduce solvent viscosity of viscous solvents such as DMSO