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Multi Works 508 96/384ch Automated Pipetting Systems, MS Technos (CAT#: AM-AUTO-0623-LY)


Magnetic beads can be used in various applications such as separation and isolation.
Using disposable tip prevents contamination problem.
Compact design reduces footprint.

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0623-LY

Application: Series dispensing

Model: Multi Works 508

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The Multi Works 508 96/384ch Automated Pipetting Systems is manufactured by MS Technos. It has an automatic pipetting system with a 96 or 384 channel head. Easy to transfer samples from 4 96-well plates to a single 384-well plate. Best for pre / post-PCR or immunoassays, solid phase extraction and filtration. The compact design reduces the footprint.


Dispensing system Air displacement disposable tip replacement
Tip change Automatic Chip changer or Manual
Dispensing Mode 996 / 384ch, 8 / 12 / 16 / 24ch serial dispensation, 8 / 12 / 16 / 24ch serial dilution
Work area 8 stages
Control Windows PC
Interface RS232C
Size 515 mm (W) X 485 mm (D) X 570 mm (H)
Stage work space : 295mm (right side) / 300mm (left side)
Weight approx. 86kg
Power AC100 - 240V 50/60Hz (Power consumption : 130W )
Options Plate stacker, tip rack stacker, plate handling arm
Automatic supplier for reservoir, tip flusher, emergency stop sensor and so on


Magnetic beads can be used in various applications such as separation and isolation.
Using disposable tip prevents contamination problem.
Compact design reduces footprint.
No PC is necessary to send programs to the machine. It can be done with USB memory.
96 or 384 channels pipetting head is easy to replace.
There are 2 ways of replacing tips.
Stage has 8 areas for tip racks, specimen reservoirs and microplates.
Serial dispensation and serial dilution are applicable. Dispensing to 8, 12, 16 and 24 wells is also applicable with a function that picks up only specific tip in line.
Stacker can be connected. ( Option )
Additional Plate Handling Arm ( Option )
Emergency Stop Sensor for safety ( Option )
Surprisingly inexpensive for 8-stage system