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Single-Use pH Flow-Through Cell FTC-SU-LG1-S (CAT#: AM-BP-0682-LC)


Single-use flow-through cell
Non-invasive, online pH measurements range of pH 4.0 to 7.5
Without electrical interferences because of optical measurement

Cat Number: AM-BP-0682-LC

Application: Monitor pH in Liver Cell Bioreactor<br />Online Measurement in Perfusion Systems

Model: FTC-SU-LG1-S

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FTC-SU-LG1-S includes a wide range of pH sensor points (pH 4.0 to 7.5) on the color scale rods, which are connected to disposable T cells. With polymer fiber, sensors inside the FTC can be read non-intrusively and the changes of pH in the perfusion system can be tracked online. FTC-SU-LG1-S is composed of polycarbonate and is irradiated with beta rays.


Measurement pH range: 4.0 - 7.5
Resolution at pH = 6.5: ± 0.02 pH
Measurement temperature range: + 5 °C to - 50 °C
Response time (t90)**: < 120 sec.


Single-use flow-through cell
Non-invasive, online pH measurements range of pH 4.0 to 7.5
Without electrical interferences because of optical measurement
Pre-calibrated, one-point calibration possible
Available in a variety of sizes and shapes for different flow rates
Easy to connect with external tubing

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