ElDorado Donor® Blood Management System (CAT#: AM-FBE-0250-LC)


Meet Requirements Flexibly and Efficiently
Order selective tests based on emerging standards (e.g., Chagas Disease, CMV, others)
Print ISBT 128 labels for components and recovered plasma on-demand

Cat Number: AM-FBE-0250-LC

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ElDorado Donor® is designed for blood centers to manage their blood collection safety, maintain compliance, and improve efficiency. The ElDorado Donor system's modular configuration provides maximum flexibility to meet site-specific requirements of small and large centers and complex organizations.


Meet Requirements Flexibly and Efficiently
Order selective tests based on emerging standards (e.g., Chagas Disease, CMV, others)
Print ISBT 128 labels for components and recovered plasma on-demand
Create tailored solutions using configurable modules
Support cGMP requirements through site-defined manufacturing processes
Display color coded eligibility by collection type
Record multiple product weights/volumes and anticoagulant volumes for components
Create and delete components automatically to streamline processes

Help Ensure Donor and Patient Safety
Calculate and track blood loss based on site-defined eligibility criteria
Post deferrals for tests, medication, and travel automatically in fixed and mobile locations
Perform system safety checks prior to labeling and release
Create customizable warning and error messages to help prevent errors
Display the anticoagulant volume on Label and Reprint tabs
Ability to define eligibility rules for collection time and collection type

Gain Fast Access to Information
Improve traceability by tracking component license status from collection to release
Streamline navigation and workflow with an easy-to-use interface
View donor and component data using the *Patient-at-a-Glance Bar®
Ability to delete auto-created components if the collection type is changed
Query by multiple parameters within applications for quick access
Search for components by prohibiting factor

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