Nidek EC-5000 CXIII Excimer Laser System (CAT#: AM-IA-0044-LY)


• Nidek EC-5000 CXIII for accurate and uniform surface ablation
• Calculation system can automatically calculate and continuously monitor laser transmission parameters
• 200 Hz active eye tracker without minimum pupil diameter

Cat Number: AM-IA-0044-LY

Application: An excimer laser surgery system for ophthalmology can correct myopia or astigmatism by ablating the corneal tissue with a laser, remove turbidity on the corneal surface, and make the cornea irregular and smooth.

Model: EC-5000 CXIII

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The Nidek EC-5000 CXIII provides the most advanced technology. The illumination and aiming beam of the Nidek EC-5000 allow the surgeon to precisely control the laser beam transfer arm. Nidek provides advanced computer performance. During the procedure, the computer will continuously monitor the system parameters.


Weight: 1433 lbs
Width: 57
Depth: 55
Height: 55
current intensity: 30 A
Central Laser Wavelength: 193 nm
Eye Tracking System (ETS): 1,000 Hz
Frequency (Hz): 50-60Hz
Laser Level: 4
Power Consumption: 3.3 kVA max
Voltage: 200-240 VAC


• Nidek EC-5000 CXIII for accurate and uniform surface ablation
• Calculation system can automatically calculate and continuously monitor laser transmission parameters
• 200 Hz active eye tracker without minimum pupil diameter
• Features a low surgical enhancement rate
• Includes 3D joystick, enhanced lighting, and ultra-precise aiming beam. Transfer arm for precise laser beam control
• Nidek EC-5000 CXIII is 15% smaller than previous models
• Has integrated PC unit and hardware module
• The laser has innovative algorithms to optimize treatment and excellent surgical results

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