TECHNOLAS 2 17A Excimer Laser System (CAT#: AM-IA-0073-LC)


The TECHNOLAS 2 17A Excimer Laser System used for the correction of hyperopia astigmatism uses optical areas from 5.0 mm to 6.0 mm and mixed areas of 1.90 mm (for spherical hyperopia) and 1.75 mm (for hyperopia astigmatism). The laser is locked for refractive correction of spheres greater than 4.00D and cylinders greater than 2.00D.

Cat Number: AM-IA-0073-LC

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Bausch & Lomb TECHNOLAS 2 17A Excimer Laser System is suitable for laser assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) and can be used for:
Reduce or eliminate the low-to-moderate occurring hyperopia up to +4.00 diopters (D) MRSE, with sphere between +1 .OO to +4.00 D with or without refractive astigmatism up to +2.00 D at the spectacle plane.
Patients with evidence of a change in diopters of less than or equal to 0.5 diopters (in cylinders and spheres) at least one year before the date of the preoperative examination.
In patients 21 years of age or older.


The TECHNOLAS 2 17A Excimer Laser System used for the correction of hyperopia astigmatism uses optical areas from 5.0 mm to 6.0 mm and mixed areas of 1.90 mm (for spherical hyperopia) and 1.75 mm (for hyperopia astigmatism). The laser is locked for refractive correction of spheres greater than 4.00D and cylinders greater than 2.00D.

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Laser type: Argon fluoride
Laser wavelength: 193 nm
Laser pulse duration: 18 nanoseconds
Laser head repetition frequency: 50 Hz
Effective corneal repetition frequency: 12.5 Hz
Flux (Eye): 120 mJ / cm2
Ablation diameter range: 2.0 to 2.05 mm

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