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Bio-Gide (CAT#: AM-MP-0019-LC)


Outstanding tissue integration and non-disruptive bone regeneration compared to using only bone substitutes.
Compared to other available membranes, the natural collagen structure reduces cracking.
Fully absorbable, no need for second surgery to remove membrane.

Cat Number: AM-MP-0019-LC

Application: Augmentation around implants placed in immediate and delayed extraction sockets;<br />Localized ridge augmentation for later implantation;<br />Alveolar reconstruction to repair the prosthesis;<br />Fill bone defects after rootectomy, cystectomy, removal of remained teeth;<br />GBR in crack defects;<br />GTR procedure for periodontal defects.

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Bio-Gide® is a biocompatible, sterile, absorbable double-layer collagen membrane for tissue and bone regeneration. The dense surface facing the soft tissue will stop the fibrous tissue from growing into the bone defect.
Bio-Gide® is North America's leading collagen membrane for oral tissue regeneration. It is used in conjunction with bone substitutes such as Geistlich Bio-Oss® or Geistlich Bio-OssCollagen®. Geistlich Bio-Gide® fuses with surrounding tissue to protect the initial coagulation. With its unique double-layer structure, Bio-Gide® not only prevents the soft tissue from growing inward, but it also optimally degrades to achieve a series of biological events to promote regeneration. The sum of these characteristics determines the biological function of Bio-Gide® and is the foundation for its long-term clinical success.


Sizes: 13 x 25 mm, 25 x 25 mm, 40 x 50 mm
Geistlich Combi-Kit Collagen: Geistlich Bio-Oss® Collagen 100 mg + Geistlich Bio-Gide® 16 x 22 mm


Outstanding tissue integration and non-disruptive bone regeneration compared to using only bone substitutes.
Compared to other available membranes, the natural collagen structure reduces cracking.
Fully absorbable, no need for second surgery to remove membrane.
Predictable results in the aesthetic area.
When Bio-Gide® is used in conjunction with Geistlich Bio-Oss®, long-term data demonstrates the predictable outcome of guided bone regeneration (GBR) treatment.

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