Botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) is the most poisonous substance known and has 3 functional domains: a binding domain (HC) , a translocation domain (HN) , and a catalytic domain (LC). The HC binds receptors on the presynaptic membrane, leading to BoNT endocytosis.In addition,BoNT also causes botulism in humans, is a widely used therapeutic, and is also a Tier 1 (mass casualty capable) potential bioweapon. For these reasons, antitoxins neutralizing all BoNT serotypes are needed. A heptavalent (targeting serotypes A–G) equine botulism antitoxin (BAT) produced from immunized horses is licensed in the United States for the treatment of botulism. BoNT/H is produced by bivalent C. botulinum strain IBCA10-7060 that also produces BoNT/B2. Compared with the other 7 BoNT serotypes, BoNT/H has an N-terminal two-thirds that is most homologous to BoNT/F and a C-terminal one-third that is most homologous to BoNT/A.