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Analysis of Autophagy by Flow Cytometry (CAT#: STEM-CBT-0059-WXH)


Autophagy translated as 'self eating' which is an apoptotic process in response to nutrient starvation, protein aggregation, Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) stress, calcium overload, hypoxia, removal of damaged organelles and proteasome impairment. Autophagy can be triggered as a cell survival mechanism and hence may prevent cell death and thus it is integral to human health in terms of organism development, cell homeostasis and is involved in a wide range of diseases including cancer, neurodegeneration, aging and the innate immune response to pathogens.


Flow cytometry has been used to detect the presence of autophagy mainly by the fluorescent antibody labeling of the autophagy marker, the microtubule associated protein LC3-II.
These techniques exploit the fact that LC3 protein, once associated with the inner autophagosomal membrane, is delivered into the lysosome and degraded there. Importantly, the GFP-tagged version is quenched prior to its degradation, owing to the sensitivity of this fluorescent protein to the acidic lysosomal environment. Accordingly, the reduction in GFP intensity in autophagy-induced samples relative to untreated samples serves as a readout for autophagic activity.


• Study a variety of pathophysiological processes.
• Study of autophagy-based therapies.


1.Induction of autophagy
2.Fixation and permeabilization
4.Examine by flow cytometry


Autophagosome marker: light chain 3 (LC3)
Dyes: LysoTracker dyes, MitoTracker dyes