Analysis of chromium compounds by X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy (XES) (CAT#: STEM-ST-0290-WXH)
Chromium is a member of group 6, of the transition metals. The +3 and +6 states occur most commonly within chromium compounds, followed by +2; charges of +1, +4 and +5 for chromium are rare, but do nevertheless occasionally exist.
XES is an element-specific method primarily used to analyze the partially occupied electronic structure of materials. The technique is one of the photon-in-photon-out spectroscopies in which an incident X-ray photon is used to excite a core electron, which leads to the transition of the electron from the ground state to the excited state, and then the excited state of the electron decays with the emission of an X-ray photon in order to fill the core hole.
Used for the study of electronic structure and for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of substances.