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Analysis of Gene Expression by RT-qPCR (CAT#: STEM-MB-0229-WXH)


When studying gene expression with real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), scientists usually investigate changes – increases or decreases – in the expression of a particular gene or set of genes by measuring the abundance of the gene-specific transcript.
Reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) is considered today as the gold standard for accurate, sensitive and fast measurement of gene expression. It is a fast and convenient PCR method that combines traditional RT-PCR with the phenomenon of fl uorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) using fluorogenic primers. The detection of changes in fluorescence intensity during the reaction enables the user to follow the PCR reaction in real time.


In order to measure gene expression by RT-qPCR, RNA is isolated and reverse-transcribed using random hexamers as primers to form cDNA. Gene-specific PCR primers are then used to amplify a segment of the cDNA of interest. The reaction is followed in real time by detecting fluorogenic tags that are covalently linked to modified primer(s); alterations in fluorescence intensity during each PCR reaction cycle enables the user to follow the PCR reaction in real time.


Real-time PCR analysis of gene expression is probably the method of choice for the establishment of hormone-, metabolite- or drug-induced modulation of the metabolic and hormonal milieu in most organs. The results allow for comparison of the strength of replication (i.e. specific mRNAs abundance) of the genes/alleles under study between comparable groups of treated or experimental and control individuals.


1.RNA is isolated from target tissue/cells
2.mRNA is reverse-transcribed to cDNA;
3.modi fi ed gene-speci fi c PCR primers are used to amplify a segment of the cDNA of interest, following the reaction in real time; 4.the initial concentration of the selected transcript in
a speci fi c tissue or cell type is calculated from the exponential phase of the reaction


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