Analysis of short-interfering RNA (siRNA) by Northern Blot Technology (CAT#: STEM-MHT-0134-LGZ)


Small interfering RNA (siRNA), sometimes called short interfering RNA or silencing RNA, is a double-stranded RNA of 20 to 25 nucleotides in length and has many different uses in biology. It is known that siRNA is mainly involved in the phenomenon of RNAi, regulating gene expression in a specific manner. In addition, it is also involved in some response pathways related to RNAi, such as antiviral mechanisms or changes in chromatin structure. However, the response pathways of these complex mechanisms are still unclear.


The RNA separated by agarose gel electrophoresis is transferred to a solid-phase carrier by a certain method, and then hybridized with a labeled probe, and the transcriptional expression can be quantitatively or qualitatively analyzed through the hybridization result.


RNA Analysis


1. RNA extraction and quality control.
2. Denaturing gel RNA electrophoresis.
3. Transfer the membrane.
4. Probe synthesis and DIG labeling.
5. Prehybridization.
6. Hybridization.
7. Wash the membrane.
8. Data processing.


Samples of plants and animals provided by customers must be shipped on dry ice. If the RNA sample is provided, the following conditions must be met: the RNA integrity is good (28S, 18S bands are clearly visible), no degradation or DNA contamination, and the customer needs to provide the electrophoretic map; High RNA purity (OD260/OD280=1.9~2.1), customers need to provide spectrophotometric detection data; The RNA should be dissolved in double steaming water, the RNA concentration should not be less than 0.8 μg/μl, it is best to provide the amount of 2 experiments; Long distances need to be transported with dry ice, or RNA contained in ethanol with regular ice packs.