The manufacturer of the Antaris FT-Near Infrared Tablet Analyzer is Thermo Fisher Scientific. Refurbished Thermo Nicolet Antaris FT-NIR (Near-IR) analyzer (Thermo p/n 912a0467) for solid, powder and tablet analysis. The system includes standard tablet transmission module and integrating sphere with greater than 95% collection efficiency, Result Software Suite for Antaris Rev.4, ValPro System Qualification for Antaris software Rev3, PC, and manuals.
Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned Instrument Dimensions: 40.6 cm (width) x 63.5 cm (depth) x 33 cm (height) Weight: 47.7 kg Source: Long-life high intensity halogen NIR source Spectral Range: 12000 – 3800 cm-1 (833 – 2630 nm) Resolution: 4 cm-1 standard (2 cm-1 option) Wavelength Precision: 0.1 cm-1 Sealed and Desiccated: Yes Purge: Yes Operating Temperature Range: 15 – 35°C Power Requirements: 110/220 VAC
Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification In excellent condition Thoroughly cleaned Money back guarantee Certified with warranty
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