Argos Technologies EVac™ Aspirating System with Hose-Barb Cap, 4 L, Cole-Parmer (CAT#: STEM-DS-0400-LC)


All components can be autoclaved except the stainless steel base
The contained two hydrophobic filters prevents liquid from being sucked into the pump
Additional bottle for collection of fluid

Cat Number: STEM-DS-0400-LC

Application: Collect critical or dangerous waste liquids

Model: 13050-31

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The Argos Technologies EVac™ Aspirating System manufactured by Cole-Parmer is suitable for collection of critical or dangerous waste liquids. Waste fluid is collected in the bottle through the the right amount of vacuum controlled by pressure-sensitive button. The fully autoclavable components keep the pump clean.


Number of Bottles Accepted:1
Display Type:None
Material:Polypropylene bottle and cap, stainless steel vacuum pump base
Power (VAC):100 to 240
Power (Hz):50/60
Capacity (mL):4000


All components can be autoclaved except the stainless steel base
The contained two hydrophobic filters prevents liquid from being sucked into the pump
Additional bottle for collection of fluid
Plastic bottles is shatter-proof

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