attoDRY800 Optical Cryostat, 75 mm Sample Space, attocube systems AG (CAT#: STEM-LE-1611-Y)


The basic pressure in the sample chamber<5e-6 mbar;
The cold breadboard is integrated into the optical platform;
With optical platform;

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1611-Y

Application: Application range:<br />Mesoscopic Physics;<br />Surface Science;<br />Optics and Spectroscopy;<br />Materials Science;

Model: attoDRY800

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The attoDRY800 Optical Cryosta is manufactured by attocube systems AG. It is composed of an ultra-low vibration cold breadboard platform. The cryocooler component is located in the unused space underneath. The apochromatic objective lens with high numerical aperture can be integrated to cryogenic The thermostat ensures extremely low drift and optimal collection efficiency.


Sample space: 75 mm (diameter)
Technology: Ultra-low vibration, closed-loop cryostat is tightly integrated into the optical platform
Sample environment: low temperature vacuum, cooling the sample through the braid
Sample exchange: easy access by removing the vacuum dome
Availability: Fully automatic temperature control, integration of all pumps, USB interface for remote control


The basic pressure in the sample chamber<5e-6 mbar;
The cold breadboard is integrated into the optical platform;
With optical platform;
Barrier-free working space and optical channels;
Automatic gas treatment with turbo pump;

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