The Automated XYZ Gantry Translation Stage is manufactured by Applied Scientific Instrumentation. These devices utilize precision bearing guide assemblies to provide smooth and precise movement.
Micron repeatability on all axes. The closed-loop DC servo control of X, Y, Z axis realizes precise positioning. Wide dynamic speed range, adjustable trapezoid movement curve. The electronic torque limit on the drive unit is used for "built-in" limit protection. Hall effect limit sensors on X, Y, Z axis. Smooth and adjustable dual-range joystick control. The backlit LCD display shows X, Y, Z coordinates. "Return to Zero" and "Home" buttons to realize simple stand-alone operation. The dimensions of the compact ergonomic desktop control unit are. Microprocessor control using RS-232 serial and USB communication.
XY axis range of travel: 380 mm x 380 mm XY axis RMS repeatability: <5 µm XY axis resolution: <3 µm XY axis maximum velocity :100 mm/sec Z axis range of travel (typical): 100 mm (4") Z axis resolution (encoder step): 22 nm Z axis RMS repeatability (typical): <700 nm Z axis maximum velocity :7 mm/sec
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