The manufacturer of the Autoprep 50 Automated Samples Preparation System, Perkin Elmer is Perkin Elmer. Refurbished Perkin Elmer Autoprep 50 (p/n B3140002). The Perkin Elmer Auto Prep-50 Automated Samples Preparation System provides an optimized tool for automated flame atomic absorption spectroscopy. It has been designed to provide analytical performance at least equal to that which you would expect with a skilled analysis.
Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned System Bypass: The AutoPrep 50 valves can be set so that the dilution system is ignored and the M system is operating in the normal flame M mode Automatic Rinsing: At the end of a determination the automatic rinse function can be activated Interfaces: Built-in RS232C and IEEE-488 interfaces Power Requirements: Built-in wide-range power supply 90 to 230 V AC; 50/60 Hz; 60 W Dimensions 340 mm x 390 mm x 200 mm (H x D x W) Weight: 7.5 kg
Automatic intelligent selection of dilution range Stable, even with higher viscosities Automatic preparation of multiple standards Integrated software control
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